Title: Levi's 2nd birthday party (CAT construction party catapillars (equipment) | |
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USMmom | |
Date Posted:06/29/2013 6:45 PMCopy HTML Wanted to share some of Levi's second birthday...It was CAT construction party...His papa Stuart works for CAT equipment....thanks in advance
This was at the end of the drive way Levi dropped his cupcake lol Kimberly made his outfit and embroidered it His papa Stuart...Shane's dad that works for CAT equipment' So hot that day Luke enjoying himself |
tamarafromTX | #1 |
Re:Levi's 2nd birthday party (CAT construction party catapillars (equipment) Date Posted:06/29/2013 7:24 PMCopy HTML
for sharing these wonderful photos. Looks like Levi had tons of fun. Lovely décor ~ must have cost a fortune, Kay. LOL!!! Did they make his outfit? Cute! |
USMmom | #2 |
Re:Levi's 2nd birthday party (CAT construction party catapillars (equipment) Date Posted:07/01/2013 1:41 PMCopy HTML Thanks Pam...the supervisor loaned Kimberly the barricade and the cones for nothing...brought it to her house and is going to pick it up...Kimberly went online and bought the party package and printed it out herself and her and Ashley made the things to go on the cupcakes...30 cupcakes are only 12.00 at Sam's....she had been buying him CAT trucks off and on...black table cloths from dollar tree...yellow masking tape...made the tablecloths...the cardboard letters were inexpensive....she already had the cupcake holder....we had hot dogs, chips, fruit...dips...all the things that Levi liked not what she thought people would like....
Yes, Kimberly made his outfit....and embroidered it... There is no price to great for the smiles of Levi and everyone that came to celebrate him turning 2.... Kimberly doesn't do expensive...she gets online and gets the best price...also, she is good at bargain shopping... |